Divide & Conquer
A divide and conquer algorithm is a strategy of solving huge problems by
- Breaking the problem into smaller sub-problems
- Solving the sub-problems
- Combining them to get the desired output.
For efficiently applying the algorithm, we use a recursive approach:
1. Divide: Divide the problem into several sub-problems using recursion.
2. Conquer: Solve the smaller sub-problems recursively. If the sub-problem is small enough to be individually solved, then solve it directly.
3. Combine: Combine the solutions of the sub-problems that are part of the recursive process to solve the actual problem.
When should we use this Algorithm?
This algorithm will be useful if we have a problem that closely relates to the divide and conquer algorithm. We can use this algorithm where the problem can be divided into sub-problems but we have to make sure that we do not have to solve the same sub problem several times. If the same sub-problem has to be solved several times then this problem is likely to be solved by a dynamic approach rather than Divide and Conquer Algorithm.
How to implement Divide & Conquer?
Several critical steps need to be followed during implementing the divide and conquer approach:
- There could be several sub-problems to a problem.The correct sub-problems need to be chosen involved in the solution. In most scenarios, we divide the problems into two equal sections.
- We solve each sub-problems recursively. So we need to carefully decide the input parameters for the recursive call of each sub-problem.
- The correct base case is essential for the correctness of the divide and conquer solution. We need to identify the smallest or trivial version of the sub-problem for which we already know the solution.
- For implementing the conquer stage, we need to identify the correct operation to combine the solutions of sub-problems to get the final answer.
Let us look at some examples to help us understand this implementation:
- Divide and conquer solution of finding max and min:
Step 1: Divide the array into two equal parts around mid-value.
Step 2: Conquer: Recursively find the min and max of both left and right parts.
Step 3: Combine: Compare the max and min of both halves to get the max and min of the whole array.
Step 4:
Base case 1: If the sub array size is 1, return the element as both max and min.
Base case 2: If sub array size is 2, compare both elements and return max and min among them.
2. Divide and conquer solution of finding max sub array sum:
We divide the array into two equal sub arrays: X[I … mid] and X [mid + 1 … r]. Then the sub-array X[i … j] with maximum sum must lie in one of these places:
1) Entirely in the left sub-array X[I…mid]
2) Entirely in the right sub-array X[mid+1…r]
3) Sub array crossing the midpoint. This includes some rightmost elements of the left sub array and some leftmost elements of the right sub array.
Divide: Calculate the middle index i.e., mid = I + (r — I)/2.
Conquer: Recursively find the maximum sub array sum of left and right halves.
Combine: Calculate the maximum sub array that crosses the midpoint and takes the maximum of all three possibilities. Base case: When I = = r, there is only one element in the array, and we can directly return the max sub array sum as X[I] or X[r].
Let us look at the algorithm with the help of diagrams:
The Algorithm:
DAC(a, i, j) //Method which follows the DAC approach.
if(small(a, i, j)) //Base case(smallest problem)
return(Solution(a, i, j))
m = divide(a, i, j) // f1(n)
b = DAC(a, i, mid) // T(n/2)
c = DAC(a, mid+1, j) // T(n/2)
d = combine(b, c) // f2(n)
Why should we use this algorithm?
● The complexity for the multiplication of two matrices using the naive method is O(n³), whereas using the divide and conquer approach the complexity reduces to O(n ^ 2.81). The change makes a big difference when the value of n is large. The use of this approach also simplifies other problems, such as the Tower of Hanoi.
● This approach is suitable for multiprocessing systems.
● It makes efficient use of memory caches.
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